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作者: 7321com必赢办公室   来源: 7321com必赢    发布时间: 2017-12-19

报告题目:Emergent materials development for photonics




Chao-Kuei Lee received his PhD degree of Electro-Optical engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 2003. Prof. Lee joined National Sun Yat-sen University in 2004. He is currently full professor who directs the laboratory of Femtosecond & Quantum Modulation with the Department of Photonics. Now, He is conjointly appointed by Department of Physics of National Sun Yat-sen University and research center of applied science (RCAS) of academic sinica. His research interests focus on ultrafast photonics, including generating and characterizing ultrafast photonic signals with pulse shaping technique, THz Photonics, dynamic properties and applications of two dimensional materials, and nonlinear waveguide fabrication and applications for Si photonics and broadband coherent light source. Dr. Lee has published more than 60 reviewed journal papers, including five science or nature series papers, since 2011. The average citation number per paper is more than 12.

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