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Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach for Soft Electronics

作者: 7321com必赢办公室   来源: 7321com必赢    发布时间: 2017-10-25

报告人:郑子剑 香港理工大学 教授

报告时间:10月27日 星期五下午 16:30


Prof. Zijian Zheng is currently Full Professor at the Institute of Textile and Clothing (ITC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are surface science, self-assembly, nanolithography, polymer science, and bendable/stretchable/wearable/graphene materials and electronic devices. He received his B. Eng. with honor from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2003. Between 2004 and 2007, Dr. Zheng moved to the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience Center at University of Cambridge for his PhD study under the supervision of Prof. Wilhelm T. S. Huck, where he worked on nanotechnology and organic optoelectronics. He has published >70 papers in high-impact international scientific journals including Science, Nature Comm., Advanced Materials, Journal of the America Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie. He also files 16 international and China patents. He serves as Guest Editor for Advanced Materials and Small.

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